Feeling more structured and organized is expected this, if not then investigate how you can creatively flip the situation around to make positive headway in this area of your life. You will not regret it!
The vibe this will remind you of your responsibilities and obligations so if you have a negative association with these aspects of your life then now is a good time to work through this as responsibilities and obligations will alway be part of your life, if you resist it then you are basically resisting paths that need to fall into alignment in order for you to get to where you want to be in your life. The collective vibe this week will hold you accountable and send gentle reminders. Sometimes it’s better to go with the flow.
There is also another fun vibe sneaking in this week to counter balance the weight of obligations in your life. You might see some fun and new opportunities in relationships, so if you are in a relationship then you can expect to be surprised or even decide to surprise your significant other with the intention to enjoy the lighter side of life. You might feel more clear about your feelings for your partner and declare them wholeheartedly to them. If you are single then this vibe can bring in love in capital letters into your life! Love love love is a strong vibe as well! Did you really think that the universe is just going to give you alerts and personal development jobs? You might feel a new spark of self-love swooping into every cell in your body, take advantage of this energy flow and do something nice for yourself! Creative and financial opportunities can also be on the rise so keep your eyes open and your ears alert! This is a time when you just might be in the right place at the right time for something that you have not been able to figure out or get off the ground, you could find your answer in a meeting, person or even just a casual conversation!
Until next time, be the light that you are!