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Weekly vibe of 18 - 24th November

Hi! Welcome to this week's weekly vibes forecast!

The vibe for this week will awaken more of an optimistic vibe in you and help you out of the tension filled state from last week.

Someone of you might still feel like you are energetically recoding from that. If so, take a nice Epson salt bath and detox from the stress as you will be presented with positive opportunities this week! Receive it with open arms, also hence why it’s so important that you shake off the tension last week so that you can see the opportunities coming in. If you are focused on stress then that is exactly what you will see in your life, so shift your focus back to the present moment, take life day by day and hour by hour, so that you can live more consciously and see doors open for you this week.

The vibe this week is a positive one, even if it means that you are soothing over conflicts from last week then good will come from it. Take note as well how you used your inner strength? Was it by channeling anger or old resentment in order to create what you want or need? If so, now is a good time to reassess this approach because by now, you will clearly see the destruction that this pattern has brought to yourself, your goals and others.

Relationships were severed but in this case probably ones that needed to go, but the vibe is getting us ready to start attracting people and circumstances that more in alignment with us, so be ready to receive more of that and do not sabotage it with old outdated attitudes and strategies, it will cause a big imbalance within new dynamics that are making their way into your life.

Until next time, be the light that you are!

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