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Other Courses
The Alignment Workshop
Evette takes people from the audience and help them to find the root causes of their emotional or ailment blocks. Then if appropriate even do a live healing demonstration! Then during the course the of day Evette will gently guide you through specific topics and facilitate powerful exercises with you ...
Heal the Woman Within
This seminar is specially designed for the modern woman, who feels stuck and stagnant in life. Often we are so willing to change our lives and move forward yet we are held back by responsibilities, expectations, pressure from society, work, family and the list is vast! Somewhere along this challenging journey, we forget who we truly are as a woman.........
Relationship Transformation
During this seminar you will either let go or rebuild your relationship with a loved one by releasing old self-sabotaging patterns and discover what it is that you truly want from your relationships. You will also discover your self-worth and emotional needs that may have been suppressed throughout the years .....
Ignite Your Self-Love
Loving people and loved ones in our life is always easier than loving ourselves! You can't fully love someone from a safe and authentic place if you can't give that love back to yourself. You will resolve blocks related to self-hatred and self-worth during this powerful seminar and learn to re-establish a powerful relationship with ..